by VALVONA2021

AC unit

Our team for the installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems aims to provide you with a comfortable working and living environment regardless of the weather, providing you with reliable heating and cooling solutions for commercial, domestic and residential buildings.

Many people think of air conditioning units as cooling only during the summer and are unaware that there are many different types of air conditioners that provide both heating and cooling. A variety of units are available that provide your home or office with the right temperature to keep everyone comfortable.

Valvona logo


VAL.VO.NA. d.o.o. since 1992 it has been operating successfully and provides high quality services to ensure comfortable living and working conditions, as well as air conditioning, heating, cooling and ventilation services.

The main purpose of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is to help maintain good indoor air quality through proper ventilation with filtration and to ensure thermal comfort.

Mitsubishi Air Conditioning

HVAC systems are among the largest energy consumers. The choice and design of HVAC systems can also affect many other high-performance targets, including water consumption (water-cooled air conditioning equipment) and acoustics.

Air Conditioning

MIssion and vision

Our mission is the satisfaction of each client by providing the highest quality solutions for their needs of ventilation, air conditioning, heating, service and installation.

Using the experience and knowledge of our employees and constantly investing in quality and competence to become a recognised partner in the regional market in the field of air conditioning and ventilation services.

Gree AC Unit


Ventilation and air conditioning system supply and cleaning, service and maintenance services. The guarantee of the quality of our services stems from many years of experience, professional approach and satisfaction of our customers.

Achieving superior air conditioning involves more than just buying and installing products. Year-round comfort, high energy efficiency and reliability are achieved through fast and timely maintenance.

Azuri AC


For more information contact us at the e-mail address: info@valvona.hr or use our contact form.